These paintings were created in honor and in remembrance of the struggle that fearless and relentless women fought to give us the right to vote. In reading about these brave women I learned some of the ones that started the fight died before their goals were reached. Others were not yet born when the struggle began. I learned that one of the objections was that it would give women power in government and it would corrupt morals and family. And even more absurd is that they feared it gave women of color the right to vote. It is my sincere hope my painting will give women a starting point: for talking; for searching themselves; for asking; I fear that prejudices against women's rights have not changed much. We have just forgotten the struggle!
Marilyn Valiente is a visual artist living in South Florida for most of her life. After her bachelor’s degree in art education from the University of Florida, she continued her education in psychology having achieved a Master degree in mental health counseling and a PhD in pastoral psychology. She continues to maintain a small private practice treating people with varies mental health disorder. For the past 15 years she has become very active pursuing her love for the visual arts; entering exhibitions, fine art festivals and art competitions. She is a signature member of both the Miami Watercolor Society and the Florida Watercolor Society. For the year of 2017 and 2018 she has was the president of the Miami Watercolor Society. She holds numerous awards including 1st place in the watercolor division in The Coconut Grove Art Festival in 2011 and 2012 and most recently she won “Best in the show” in the Broward Art Guild 2019, Miami Watercolor Society Fall 2017 Exhibition and First place in the Spring 2018 exhibition. Recently her work has stretched her creativity to exploring acrylics and abstractions. In 2017 she was accepted as a member of the oldest and prestigious professional organization of women artist: The National League of American PE.