A finding aid is a guide or inventory describing the items in a collection. Collections may include documents, letters, photographs, art objects and other items. The University Archives are arranged by Administrative Department and each division is assigned a Record Group Number. Each item, report or document is inventoried and filed by the assigned number, and these records collectively represent the history of each division/department. These are all public documents and are available by appointment to researchers interested in the history and growth of FIU. Searching for contextual information will aid you in finding information or materials on specific subjects. In the search field enter search topics, terms, dates, locations, authors, coporations. Click on SEARCH FINDING AIDS above to search our collections.
The University Archives serves as the depository of the official records relating to the founding, development of and future plans for Florida International University.
The University Archives has records dating from 1971 to the present. In addition to official FIU records, the University Archives preserves historical documents, publications, photographs and audiovisual materials.
We invite the public to engage with our collections by scheduling an appointment to discover and explore our unique primary source documents. To make the most of your visit, we have provided information that will assist you to plan your visit.
Researchers may also search the FIU Library catalog for books and serials housed in University Archives. In addition, we are committed to increasing access to our collections through digitization. Please visit UA Digital Collections to view the ever expanding online collection.
FIU Archives welcomes your feedback on the description of its archival collections. Staff are currently implementing practices to address offensive or harmful language that may reflect biases and prejudices or terms that are outdated, offensive or insensitive. In addition, we encourage users to provide feedback to help us tackle this issue. Please email us, spcoll@fiu.edu to report errors or omissions or if you encounter harmful or offensive language.